Online donations can be made at the link above. Check or cash donations can be dropped off at either location during open hours. We ask that all mail donations be sent to our Vintage Store, located at 12816 Red Arrow Highway Sawyer, MI 49125.
We accept just about everything. We believe that just about anything and everything can be used to help. The only things we do not accept are couches or mattresses with rips or stains. Here are some examples of items we accept:
Drop off your items at either location any day from 11am - 5pm
Kindly deposit all donations in the designated red trailer located at the Antique Store. Please note, however, that couches and mattresses are not accepted at the Antique Store. For these specific items, we kindly request that you take them directly to the resource center. We also can not accept mattresses or couches with rips or stains. Thank you.
Sign up anytime by talking to our front desk at our Resource Center:
9600 Red Arrow Hwy, Bridgman MI 49106
Open 11AM-5PM Daily